Purified shilajit Resin, 40g

Natural & Organic Shilajit 


BIOCHI Shilajit is 100% Authentic Resin Collected and purified in the Russian Altai Mountains in Siberia.

3rd Party Lab verified for purity

85+ Ionic Minerals

Organic – Non GMO – Vegan



The Great Rejuvenator

In the Ayurvedic traditions it is known as “Rasayana” which translates as ‘rejuvenator”. In these traditions Shilajit has been used for many diseases as well as yogi’s and warriors to better their physical strength and vitality. Shilajit has a rare quality of having properties of regenerating and detoxify and has been used for people of all constitutions due to its ability to balance all 5 elements and 3 Doshas.

What is Shilajit

Shilajit is a bioactive gum-like substance originating in some high altitude mountain ranges. It is the result of medicinal plants, leaves and soil that have decomposed and fermented over vast periods of time into their simplest components. This creates a unique phytocoplex that exudes itself from cracks in the rocks. Once collected it’s filtered of any impurities such a sand and gravel before being cleaned with spring water and then air dried. 

Shilajit can be considered a ‘nutraceutical’ due to the medicinal properties that have been observed and noted particularly in the Ayurvedic and Russian traditions but also in modern clinical research. In Sanskrit, Shilajit literally means ‘Conqueror of mountains and the destroyer of weakness’ and it is known as the great rejuvenator.

In Shilajit we find a composition of:

  • Triterpenes
  • 85+ Ionic (organic) carbon bonded minerals
  • Polyphenols
  • Polysaccharides
  • 60 macro and micro elements
  • Vitamins (A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C)
  • Selenium
  • Enzymes
  • Anti-Oxidants
  • Carbon fullerenes
  • Monatomic elements
  • Dibenzo-alpha pyrones (anti-allergy, immune enhancing and energising compounds)

“The Conquerer of Mountains, Destroyer of weakness”

Athletic Performance 

Athletes have been using Shilajit to take their strength and performance to greater levels. Shilajit can increase blood oxygen levels while aiding in tissue repair and removal of toxic byproducts produced from intense physical stress.


Shilajit increases mitochondrial energy by augmenting coenzyme Q10 production and upregulating the synthesis of ATP, the primary energy currency of the human body. It has been used to enhance and restore “Qi” (Energy) in it’s use by the Vedas. For these reasons many people with chronic fatigue experience more energy when using shilajit.


In Clinical research Shilajit has been shown to significantly increase free and total testosterone, up to 19% in some trials compared to placebo groups. Testosterone has been reducing in the population by on average of 1% for the last 30 years which has become a problem for both men and women.


It has been shown to increase Collagen synthesis aiding with accelerated tissue regrowth and thus Joint support. It also provides essential trace minerals like selenium to help maintain healthy joints.

Libido & Fertility

Rich in Jing building properties, Shilajit acts to support and build sexual energy while nourishing the reproductive organs, promoting fertility in both men and women.

Similar to it’s mood enhancing properties, Shilajit can act as an effective aphrodesiac and libido enhancer putting a sustainable fire and energy into the body. 

Fulvic and Humic acids

These two organic compounds are strong anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories making up a large proportion of Shilajit. They play an important role and have far reaching supportive properties. Like many trace minerals, they’re typically missing from our foods due to over farming and soil degradation.

Increases cell permeability 

Fulvic acid can transport up to 60x its molecular weight in nutrients to the cell making it an incredible amplifier for herbs consumed in combination. It helps the permeability of the cell membrane, perfect for anyone struggling with absorption or nutrient deficiencies. This permeation also allows the cell to detoxify and chelate away toxins and heavy metals. Shilajit passes through the body efficiently leaving behind its nourishing components.

Better gut health and digestion

These amazing soil acids help with enzyme activity resulting in better digestion and overall gut health. Fulvic acids contain complex pro and pre-biotics that have a direct impact on the production of dopamine and serotonin making it easier for us to handle and buffer stresses while mitigating negative bacteria blooms like candida.

Weight normalisation

As an adaptogen both relating to its hormonal and metabolic regulation including increased fat burning, shilajit can be used to support your ideal weight and bodymass.

Removes Heavy Metals

Due to its molecular structure, Fulvic acid can catch and remove heavy metals from the body, protecting the brain and organs from from toxic metals like lead, aluminium and cadmium.

The Extensive benefits of Shilajit on Vitality

  • Improves blood oxygen uptake and easing of easing of altitude sickness

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Can help reduce menstrual pain

  • Increases the production of ATP

  • Immune regulation and effective anti viral

  • Increases focus & productivity

  • To alleviate symptoms from allergies

  • To decalcify tissues

  • Increase circulation and restore heat in the body

  • Reducing symptoms of pain and arthritis

  • Regulate blood sugar

  • Reduce Serum cholesterol

  • As an Immunomodulator by regulating macrophages

  • To rebuild skin hair nails and bones

  • Assists in the production of Glutathione for a healthy heart

  • Improve Anaemia and blood iron levels

  • Blood purifying

  • A prebiotic, probiotic and gut cleanser

  • Jing herb for the kidneys

  • For better emotional and mental balance

  • To regulate and stabilise all internal systems

  • To improve cell communication

  • As a potential agent to prevent Alzheimer’s and other similar cognitive disorders

  • To trigger apoptosis in unwanted and abnormal cells

How to consume 

Simply mix a pea sized amount (0.3-0.5g) into warm water, tea, coffee or warm milk with honey and enjoy. Our Shilajit has a rich, bitter and smoky flavour that synergises well with both earthy and floral teas & flavours. 

Daily dosages of Shialjit have not yet been properly established, however 300mg – 500mg a day is the typical dose used traditionally. We recommend taking Shilajit 1-3 times a day in accordance with this dosage.

Like other herbal supplements, cycling on and off is recommended to give your body a break. For example after a month take a 1-2 months off. For pregnant and lactating women, it is advised that they consult a medical professional before consuming.

It is not advised for Children under 3 years old and we recommend consulting a medical partitioner before giving to children over 3. Traditionally children have also consumed it in India but it is not well studied to say clearly whether it can be advised for very young persons.



If taken properly, Shilajit is not associated with any major side effects. In extended use, blood iron levels can increase and in rare cases it can lower blood pressure.

As it can alter blood sugar levels, diabetics should monitor these levels regularly.

Shilajit is contraindicated for people with phenylketonuria (PKU) as it contains phenylalanine.

Any side effects can suggest that the shilajit is low quality or the dose is excessive. It’s recommended to listen to your body and stop if you feel any light headedness, nausea or increased heart rate. Keep in mind that severe allergic reactions have not been reported with shilajit and as such it’s considered safe for most people.


Research & Studies on Shilajit

Shilajit (Mumie): Current status of biochemical, therapeutic and clinical advances


The effects of Shilajit supplementation on fatigue-induced decreases in muscular strength and serum hydroxyproline levels


A natural Phytocomplex with potential Precognitive activity


Clinical evaluation of spermatogenic activity of processed shilajit in oligospermia


A panacea for high altitude problems


Evaluation of preventive effect of shilajit on radiation-induced apoptosis on ovaries


Evaluation of safety profile of black shilajit


Safety and efficacy of shilajit (mumie, moomiyo)
